Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Human Pin Cushion

I felt a bit overwhelmed yesterday afternoon, after meeting with the nurse practitioner (NP) who looked at my NFP charts with me.  Although I have been using Billings, apparently the Creighton model is only a step up. Luckily, I had enough information.  I was relieved by that.

The NP told me that it looked as though I may have some issues with my luteal phase (it varies by more than 2 days in some cycles).  Additionally, I may not be ovulating.  So, in order to determine what my hormones are doing, I will be undergoing a month of testing.  Starting on day eight of my cycle, I will also have my estrogren (estradiol) tested (every other day).  Two days after my peak, I will begin having my progesterone tested, along with the estrogen (every other day through peak +11).  Then, 11 days after my peak, I will have about 10 different hormones tested.  It is crazy!  The NP told me that I will feel like a "pin cushion."  I'll say!  I really hope and pray that this testing is worth the money and gives me some answers.  I guess even if the tests come back as normal, the answer will be that I need to look at something else. 

1 comment:

  1. Aahh...welcome to the blood test club! :) I'm not gonna lie, it will NOT be fun. But it's a really important part of figuring out your IF, so it's worth it. Lots of prayers during this time, and I hope it gives you some insight! Good luck!


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